Answer to all your queries and worries in your difficult time

Services we offer

RxCancer gives you the facility of getting second opinion for your case from the group of eminent oncologist of India, from the remotest corner of the country, all at single platform. We provide you these facilities through various service segments about which you can know and choose according to your requirement from the following service descriptions.

Online Second Opinion

A highly qualified Oncology expert will review your case and on the basis of information provided we will provide Guideline based key information that will help you understand your cancer in better way.

Talk to expert

You will be able to discuss your case through audio/video call for up to 15 minutes. This way you will be clear your many doubts from renowned cancer doctors from apex cancer hospitals. We will facilitate this service through online meeting platform. Many queries you can’t write but you can express in words while talking.

Tumor Board

Team of 3 doctors from RxCancer will study your case and provide a collective opinion that helps you know your cancer in better way. Team is always better than an individual and here you will have benefit to get opinion of expert from different cities and Hospital. Getting the same in person from different experts will have endless travelling and expenditure, physical and financial exhaustion.

Opinion from Stalwarts

Cancer is disease where you can’t take second chance. The first chance is the best chance. The service is just like second opinion but here the Oncologist who will provide opinion is senior stalwart in the field of cancer. Experience and knowledge matters. The expert in this category are of national fame. You will have ease to discuss your case with the senior most persons without travelling miles and waiting for your appointment for days.

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Eminent expert group

RxCancer has a group of highly qualified team of oncologist with excellent experience and expertise in cancer care. All our experts are from the various Apex Hospitals and Research Institute of India. Our stalwarts are of National fame and are the senior most personalities in the field of oncology in India. The founder Director of RxCancer Dr. Arvind Kumar is an alumni of AIIMS, Delhi.


Diverse service options.

RxCancer gives you the facility of diverse services in order to get all the details about your case. User will have the option to reach out to best experts in the field through our different mode of services.


Easy and secure mode of interaction.

RxCancer provides secure process of registration and information collection (personal & medical) along with easy payment options. Our team is committed to keep all your sensitive data secure and protected in all respect.

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Fixed timeframe

We understand the urgency of request & mental stress, when someone is diagnosed with cancer. In order to minimize your worries, our experts always try to ensure the fixed time frame with continuous update on each step so that the user don’t have to face any difficulty in getting their appointment/report on time.


Framework for comprehensive support.

Rx Support team welcomes for any queries, concerns while availing our services round the clock. Our technical team is equipped with end to end support to the user for any issues faced while using our website or portal. User can contact through helpline numbers or reach us through


Cost Effective

RxCancer tries to help you out in your cancer journey with different kinds of services which we have tried to keep cost effective for everyone.


Are You AWARE?

It is very stressful when someone is diagnosed with cancer. The important step here is to step up cancer literacy and knowledge amongst the increasing population, and hence lead to early detection and proper management to prevent cancer by making necessary changes in lifestyle.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the commonest malignancy amongst females not only in world but also in India.

Head and Neck Cancers (Mouth, Nose, Throat)

Head and Neck cancer is the most common type of cancer in India.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the commonest cancer among smokers and around 70% Lung Cancer mortality is due to tobacco uses.

Cervical Cancer

In India Cervical Cancer is the second most common cancer in women after Breast cancer.

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Lymphoma is malignancy of lymph nodes.

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is among the top ten cancers and is one among the curable cancers if detected in early stage (till stage 3).

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Have our suggestions for the Best Cancer Treatment in India

RxCancer is an online platform through which a cancer patient can get second opinion from the best cancer doctors of India. We have a group of the best oncologist of India from different cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Patna, Vellore, etc. Our experts are from the best cancer hospitals in India like AIIMS Delhi, TMH Mumbai, Apollo, Fortis, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, HCG Kolkata etc. Few of Rx experts are of National fame of Oncology in India and had been Ex-HOD of AIIMS Delhi and TMH Mumbai. When people hear about surgery, they often get scared, and then it's very hard for them to make a decision. India’s Best cancer surgeons are associated with RxCancer and their opinion would be helpful in cancer diagnosis.

Our Services

1. Online Second Opinion: In this, we provide opinions to the patients seeking a cancer second opinion in India from a single and best oncologist.

2. Tumor Board: In this, we provide opinions to the patients seeking a cancer second opinion from the group of three best oncologist in India.

3. Talk to Expert: In this, we provide an opinion to patients seeking a cancer second opinion in India via face-to-face discussion on video call for up to 15 minutes.

4. Opinion from Stalwarts: Provides opinion to the patients seeking the cancer second opinion in India from the stalwarts.

Chemotherapy in India - It is most commonly known as chemo and is a type of cure for cancer in India that uses one or more anti-cancer drugs

Immunotherapy in India is a kind of cancer treatment in India that helps your immune system to be able to fight cancer. The immune system assists your body to fight infections and other diseases. It is made up of organs, tissues, and white blood cells of the lymph system. Immunotherapy is a type of biological therapy. Biological therapy is a treatment that uses the components made from living organisms to treat cancer.

What We Offer

RxCancer serves as one of the best platforms to provide an online second opinion to cancer patients seeking opinions from the best cancer doctor in India.

RxCancer has maintained a wide network of medical oncologists, the best oncologist & radiation oncologists from various prestigious best cancer hospitals throughout the country.

Tumor Board at RxCancer consists of a group of 3 experts and provides opinions after detailed discussion and analysis of each and every case.

Targeted therapy are drugs that target a specific receptor on cancer cells. The attachment of these targeted drugs to cancer cells blocks the action of further downstream signals that stop the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. This cures cancers in some cases and in another it prolongs life. The beauty of these targeted drugs is that they act only on the cancer cells and normal cells are not damaged by these drugs so side effects are less, unlike chemotherapy in India. Hence, they are part of Precision Medicine and commonly act like targeted bullets that kill their target.

The cancer treatment plan/modalities provided by our experts are of the latest nature which helps in the cure for cancer in India in the most efficient way.

RxCancer has experts from various prestigious cancer hospitals of India including AIIMS Delhi, TMH Mumbai, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Apollo, Fortis, Mahavir Cancer Sansthan Patna, HCG Kolkata, etc.




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